We are proud of our reputation for delivering a quality service

If you feel that our service at any time falls below the standard you would expect, please contact Customer Services.


Hagerty International Limited

The Arch Barn,

Pury Hill Farm,




NN12 7TB


0333 323 1242 (for calls within the UK)

+44 1327 810 600 (for calls outside the UK)

If you wish to complain directly to our underwriters

For policies beginning with HIL:


Hiscox Customer Relations

The Hiscox Building

Peasholme Green York YO1 7PR

United Kingdom


+44 (0)800 116 4627 (calls to this number within the United Kingdom are free on mobile phones and landlines); or

+44 (0)1904 681 198

For policies beginning with HMA:


Legal and Compliance

Markel International

20 Fenchurch Street



Submit a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

The aim of our procedure is to settle the complaint fairly and as quickly as possible. We will use our best endeavours to comply with the timeframes set out below.

  • A complaint received by Hagerty International Limited (whether by letter, facsimile, e-mail, telephone conversation or other oral representation) will be allocated to an appropriate person to carry out an independent review of the justification of the complaint.
  • Complaints will be acknowledged in writing no later than five business days after receipt. That acknowledgement will include the name of the person who will be reviewing the complaint and a copy of this Complaint Procedure.
  • We will try to resolve a complaint within four weeks and give a written final response, or send an interim response explaining why we are not yet in a position to resolve matters.
  • By the end of eight weeks following receipt of a complaint, a final response will be issued or a further interim response giving an indication as to when a final response can be expected.
  • When we issue our final response we will include a copy of a leaflet published by Financial Ombudsman Service (“FOS”).

The FOS operates a dispute resolution facility for consumers, micro-enterprises (small businesses), small charities and trustees. An eligible Complainant has up to six months to register a complaint with the FOS if the outcome was not to their satisfaction. If you do not refer your complaint in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider the complaint and will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. For example if the Ombudsman believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances. Should it prove necessary for the FOS to make a determination and the Complainant accepts it, then we are bound by that determination up to a specified maximum amount.

You can contact the FOS at:


Financial Ombudsman Service

Exchange Tower


E14 9SR


0800 0234 567 (normally free for land line users)

0300 1239 123 (charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers on mobile phone tariffs)