
You’re invited to a free classic car valuation seminar

by Hagerty
1 September 2015 1 min read
You’re invited to a free classic car valuation seminar
Hagerty’s Valuation Seminar 2015: looking at a year of huge movement in the classic car market.

Hagerty is pleased to invite you to our third annual Valuation Seminar at Beaulieu Theatre on Friday, 4th September 2015, the eve of the International Autojumble.

The free seminar will look back at a year of huge movement in classic car values, identifying the key trends and looking at what may happen to the market in the next twelve months. The panel, consisting of key classic car figures, will give their recommendations on which cars should be bought, held or sold.

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This year’s event will be compered by renowned industry observer and former Classic & Sports Car editor Simon Taylor, and aims to provide everyone- enthusiast, investor and collector- with the definitive guide to classic car valuation and investment.

The expert panel is comprised of Damian Jones, Sales Manager at H&H classic car auctions; valuation commentator Richard Hudson-Evans, Rob Sass (Autoweek), Dave Kinney (Octane), and John Mayhead, editor of the UK Hagerty Price Guide.

The Valuation Seminar will run from 5.30 p.m. to 8.15 p.m. Tickets are free and offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Reserve your Valuation Seminar tickets here.

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