
You’re Invited: Hagerty SBMC Classic Challenge

by hagerty
28 January 2013 1 min read
You’re Invited: Hagerty SBMC Classic Challenge

Are you planning a tour this year in your sportscar or classic saloon? Why not sign up for a fun, unique social tour through the best mountain roads of mid-Wales that also benefits charity?

Hagerty is pleased to partner with the Sporting Bears Motor Club for the Hagerty SBMC Classic Challenge in September. Teams will be made up of three participants — a driver, navigator and … a teddy bear. The challenge will be in obtaining donations for your teddy bear to complete the tour, with all proceeds donated to three children’s hospices.

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In addition to breathtaking views of both caves and coast, the trip will include stops at places of interest as well as three evenings of fine dining and socializing at a four-star hotel. Cars entered so far include an Austin Healey 3000, Triumph TR3A, Morgan, Porsche 911 and AC Cobra, and special guest entry Barry ‘Whizzo’ Williams will pilot his rally Mini Cooper ‘S’.

Space is limited; please book before the end of February to ensure your spot. For further details, email or click here.

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  • Cambridge, Cambs. says:

    A classic Touring event, also fundraising for children’s hospices. Event dates: 27 – 30 September ……..but entries need to be booked before end of March to secure hotel reservations ! So, check the website and then email for full details and entry form. Join Barrie “WHIZZO” Williams ….it’s good value and you will enjoy a great motoring and social event. Don’t delay, get your entry in ….variety of classic cars + modern sportscars …and a few classic Mini Coopers to support Whizzo.

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh, that comment did apaepr. Weird. I copied it to Twitter as nothing showed up on my browser after I clicked Post’ normally if it requires moderation you get a message telling you so.Admittedly I haven’t been to Hillingdon in years, so if the paint is peeling then I haven’t seen it. But it is about twice as old as Canary Wharf, and that’s not immune to scrimping on maintenance either. I think we all know what raw concrete ends up looking like if you neglect to maintain it for long enough

  • Hillingdon middlesex says:

    Hi, can you tell me the dates of this event and where it is, many thanks

  • Andrew Jones Accrington, Lancs says:

    Please could you send me the details.Thanks Andy

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