
Tom Cotter, Barn Find Hunter: 1,800 Classic Cars

by Hagerty
20 July 2017 1 min read

Tom Cotter as the Barn Find Hunter has developed a cult following here in the UK, but how many people realise that Hagerty create the series? In this episode, he discovers the mother lode: 1,800 classic cars in one location in northern California. There are all sorts here, even a Jaguar XK150 with an Oldsmobile engine up front.

Then it’s on to a junk yard, where vehicles (like a 1939 Ford pickup, 1957 Thunderbird, and 1972 Datsun 510) have been accumulating for more than six decades. Farther down the road, Tom wins over a suspicious property owner who agrees to show him his 1956 Ford pickup, 1964 Chevrolet El Camino, 1968 Mercury Cougar, 1966 Ford Galaxie, and 1972 Ford Gran Torino.

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  • Northfield says:

    Tom, what is your e-mail address? I was in Washington state over the weekend and came upon a property full of old cars. I wanted to send you photos of them, the phone number on the sign out from and the address in case you are ever in the Bellingham area. It might be a good location for one of your shoots. There must of been 50 cars that I could see from the road and more in the back. Any questions, please call or text me at 224-628-1657. Jim

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