
The Model T Ford Register of Great Britain

by Hagerty
24 June 2015 1 min read
The Model T Ford Register of Great Britain
Model T Ford Register of Great Britain

In 1959, at an event to mark the Model T Ford’s 50th anniversary, Lord Montagu of Beaulieu suggested that a register of surviving Model Ts should be written. The Model T Ford Register of Great Britain was subsequently founded the following year, with the aim of encouraging the preservation and use of early Ford vehicles (1903 to 1927).

Today, the Model T Ford Register of Great Britain has a membership of over 400 people in Britain and overseas, and organises rallies and an autojumble. A thriving spares service operates on a mail-order basis and the club also offers a good range of books.

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The club is open to all those with an interest in the Model T Ford, be they owners or enthusiasts, and the club covers all Ford vehicles manufactured prior to 1927. The Model T Ford Register of Great Britain is a Chapter of both the Model T Ford Club of America and the Model T Ford International.

For more information on the Model T Ford Register of Great Britain, please visit their website or email

All photos courtesy of the Model T Ford Register.

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