
Springtime Classic Motoring

by Robert Sherston
23 March 2016 2 min read
Springtime Classic Motoring
The first drive of the season!

There is truly no better feeling for the classic car enthusiast than when the spring weather begins in earnest. The products of those dark, dank evenings in winter garages will soon display themselves as the classics emerge, like butterflies erupting from chrysalises.

The first run will always be a bit tentative; have the overwinter repairs been up to scratch; has some unseen gremlin been tinkering with the running gear or disconnecting the electrics? But as the engine temperature builds so does the confidence, and before long the old muscle memory returns, as does the wide grin as the foot meets the floor.

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That’s why, here at Hagerty, we love Drive it Day. You can’t really call this an ‘event’- more of a franchise- but the FBHVC’s spring concept is brilliant: encourage classic vehicles out of hibernation, then give them a good long run to stretch their legs, all in the name of charity.

For Hagerty’s 2016 Drive it Day, we’re covering nearly 80 miles of country roads from Towcester racecourse and finishing at Bicester Heritage just in time for the Sunday Scramble event, where thousands of other classic car owners will meet for Bicester’s first big event of the year.

This year, for the first time, we’re also trying something new at the Bicester event. We’ve paired our Hagerty Price Guide editor with valuation specialists from H&H Classic Auctions and Classic Cars Magazine to bring you the first Hagerty Live Valuation Arena. The idea is that you drive your car up, have it professionally photographed, inspected then given a valuation certificate right there and then. To allow a sensible time for each valuation, places are limited to 20 cars, and at the time of writing there are a small number left. If you would like to reserve one, you can book them at the same time as your Sunday Scramble tickets here. There is a small charge, but staying with the ethos of Drive it Day, all the money collected goes to charity.

So, if you are taking part in Drive it Day or visiting the Sunday Scramble, we wish you the best of luck and hope to meet you on April 24th. Otherwise, as the days get longer and the sun warmer, we wish you the best of motoring luck with your first serious classic drive of the season.

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