
Hagerty’s Bucket List: The Beaulieu International Autojumble

by Hagerty
22 October 2018 2 min read
Hagerty’s Bucket List: The Beaulieu International Autojumble
Beaulieu Autojumble Bucket List

There’s a saying that is heard from time to time around the classic car community: if you want anything for any classic car, you’ll find it at Beaulieu, and if you don’t find it, you just haven’t looked hard enough.

It’s a maxim that holds true. Three massive fields full of stands, trunk traders, a classic car sales area and an auction which annually attracts the most eclectic mix of weird and wonderful classics in various states of disrepair, the Beaulieu International Autojumble takes all of the three days it is open to fully explore, and that’s even without a visit to the National Motor Museum.

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The variety of parts on offer is astonishing: the chassis of a pre-war Bugatti may lurk in one corner, a set of wheels from a 1970s F1 car in another. Stands specialising in every make, model and item you can imagine: classic toys, classic radios, classic hubcaps, classic rocker covers… the list is seemingly endless. Parts are new, old, rusty or immaculate. Stallholders range from very well-known top-end parts and restoration companies to private individuals, attracted by the very reasonable stand rates and amazing traders’ atmosphere throughout the weekend. Visitors, both traders and punters, travel from all over Europe to be here. Everyone has their gem they are seeking, and it’s rare you don’t find another surprising find to brighten your day.

We judge the Hagerty Bucket List on three criteria: Size, Excitement and Diversity, all ranked out of five. Here are the scores for the Beaulieu International Autojumble:

SIZE: XXXXX It’s massive: the biggest outdoor motoring parts sale this side of the Atlantic.

EXCITEMENT: XX OK, so no moving cars but there’s still the excitement of finding the elusive widget you’ve been searching for.

DIVERSITY: XXXX Massive diversity of parts, especially for British cars.

With 11/15, the Beaulieu International Autojumble is a pilgrimage all classic car and bike owners must do, and for many it’s the best car show of the year.

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  • Rochdale, Lancashire says:

    Beaulieu, absolutely enormous, hard walking, but great experience for vintage and classic car spares, a must for anyone both young and old, we’ve done it for over 20 years, if it’s not at Beaulieu it doesn’t exist, with over 2000 stalls there you can find anything, a must do, i recommended it

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