
First Principles: The Official Biography of Keith Duckworth by Norman Burr

by Georgina Yeomans
20 November 2017 1 min read
First Principles: The Official Biography of Keith Duckworth by Norman Burr
First Principles - The Official Biograpy of Keith Duckworth

Keith Duckworth is perhaps one of the most significant, yet least well-known figures in Formula 1 history. Alongside fellow former Lotus Engineer Mike Costin, Duckworth created the iconic Cosworth Engineering, and produced the famous Cosworth Double Four Valve (DFV) engine, which revolutionised Formula 1 in the 1960s.

He has been spoken highly of by many big names in the sport, notably Sir Jackie Stewart, who stated that Duckworth was “much more than a genius in his chosen field”.  Duckworth also made significant contributions to the world of aviation, powerboating, and motorcycling, demonstrating his all-round engineering skill and talent.

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Norman Burr’s biography of Duckworth covers all aspects of his life, beginning in his childhood and provides a valuable insight to anyone looking to learn more about one of Britain’s most incredible 20th century engineers. The book thoroughly outlines Cosworth under Duckworth’s chairmanship, and includes interviews from his family and friends to ensure that the reader receives a full insight into his life.

The biography also features many photographs, in both colour and black and white, which assists Burr’s careful detailing of Duckworth’s life.

For anyone enjoys the history of, or is interested in Formula 1, Burr’s biography of Duckworth is a must-read.

First Principles: The Official Biography of Keith Duckworth ISBN: 978-1-787111-03-5 is available from Veloce Publishing for £32.50.

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