
Customer Q&A: Jamie Oscroft’s Ford Granada

by Hagerty
22 September 2014 2 min read
Customer Q&A: Jamie Oscroft’s Ford Granada
Ford Granada (photo courtesy of Chris Sampson)

At Hagerty we know every classic car owner shares the same passion for their car, whether it’s an elegant Aston Martin DB5 or a plucky Mini Cooper. That’s why we decided to celebrate some of the overlooked classics at our recent Festival of the Unexceptional and meet the people who still love them. This week’s Q&A comes from Jamie Oscroft, who we met at the festival and is the proud owner of a Ford Granada, MK 1.

Originally called the Consul due to a legal battle with the Granada Group in the UK, the Granada was Ford’s luxury model designed to rival Rover, Mercedes and BMW saloons amongst British executive car buyers. Perhaps most fondly remembered for its role in the ’70s crime drama, ‘The Sweeny,’ the Granada’s distinctive look and combination of size and luxury make it one of the iconic cars of the 1970s.

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We asked Jamie to tell us a bit about his Mark I Granada: 

  1. What was your first car?
    I had a Ford Fiesta, MK 1
  2. Tell us about your love of classic cars
    My whole family is enthusiastic about cars and I’m no different. I love motoring in general and really enjoy repairing motors. I’m quite bored of modern cars and find classics much more interesting, especially from an engineering point of view.
  3. Which classic car(s) do you currently own?
    I own one Ford Granada but looks after several Austin Allegros.
  4. What do you love about your classic car(s)?
    I find it really satisfying putting the old cars right and repairing them so they can keep going.
  5. What is your dream car?
    Ford Granada, Mark 1
  6. Are you a member of a car club?
    Yes, the Allegro Club International.

If you would like to feature your classic car please complete our Q & A form

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