Once heralded as a wonder material, asbestos is now known to be very bad news. The six naturally-occurring silicate minerals collectively known as asbestos were historically prized for their flexibility, availability and heat insulating properties and were widely used throughout the manufacturing and construction sectors during the late 19th and 20th centuries. Growing awareness of the material’s danger led to several pieces of legislation controlling its use, the first of which was passed in the late 1960s, but it wasn’t until 1999 that a total ban was enacted in Britain. As a result, many of the classic cars we cherish could pose an asbestos risk.
To better control this potential danger, the Australian Border Force and its New Zealand counterpart have recently enforced a ban on the import of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials. Under these regulations, the border forces can also demand expert authentication that any car built before 2000 is free from the material. Should the owner fail to provide this, they can be fined several thousand dollars and their pride and joy will remain in customs until every part posing a possible asbestos risk has been tested and, where necessary, replaced. The process can be protracted, complex and incredibly expensive.

There is another way. David Sollis, an independent asbestos surveyor with 16 years’ industry experience, has recently expanded his business – Survey Services Ltd. – to encompass his lifelong love of everything fun on four wheels. In doing so, he’s become the only British surveyor to specialise in classic cars. “For several years now, I’ve been looking to combine my passion with my job,” he smiles. “It really is a dream come true for me. It’s great to be able to help people take their much-loved cars with them to Australia.”
The list of car parts potentially containing asbestos is remarkably long, with David advising that friction components and items used to prevent heat transfer are some of the most likely to feature the material. “Clutches, brakes and heatshields are common culprits,” he explains, “as are any number of gaskets. The woven rope seals on older cars, as found riveted to the firewall and radiator shell, are also often full of it, as are bitumen-based underseals.” The list doesn’t stop there, David having even detected asbestos in exhaust silencers and the pad below a windscreen washer bottle.
In order to carry out a full inspection, David compiles an extensive report on every car that comes to him. After placing the car in a dedicated sealed room, which operates under negative pressure and contains a two-stage airlock, he photographs every potential asbestos risk area on the car, takes a sample from each and sends them for laboratory testing. The process is involved and can require the removal of several engine parts and the swabbing of driveline oils to test contamination.
The results are then added to the report and the car’s owner is given the choice of removing or replacing any components found to contain asbestos. Once the material has been removed and a replacement fitted, another round of tests is performed and recorded to ensure the offending areas are now clear of asbestos. Finally, the car is issued with a certificate of conformity and can be dispatched for shipping.
Such thoroughness is necessary to ensure a car passes the Australian or New Zealand border without problems. “To satisfy their law, a ‘competent person’ has to undertake the testing and certification,” David explains. “It might sound daft but you can get it wrong. Without the right approach, asbestos removal can spread the fibres throughout a whole vehicle. The Aussies also insist that the competent person is fully accredited. Fortunately, the British UKAS accreditation scheme is approved by a mutual recognition agreement.” In total, the process can take between one and two working weeks.
If we’ve got you staring at your classic, dreading a substantial future bill, don’t despair. “If your car is being kept in the United Kingdom,” David explains, “you can leave it as it is, unless you’ve reached the point where you might be disturbing an asbestos-containing component as part of a restoration.” In addition, a limited selection of tasks – including some maintenance activities – can be legally carried out by private, unlicensed individuals. That said, the Health and Safety Executive advises extreme caution and suggests the use of a professional wherever possible. More information is available on their website.
Since establishing his speciality, David has worked on an enviable collection of classics. Highlights include an Iso Rivolta Lele, a Bentley Continental S3 and a Borgward Isabella coupé, while Jaguar themselves dispatched a recently imported E-Type to Survey Services for heatshield testing. “I get underneath and inside some really interesting cars,” he smiles, “and that’s a real privilege. These cars are their owners’ pride and joys. That’s why they’re taking them all that way, after all!” Above all, David wants people to take asbestos exposure seriously. “People are very blasé about asbestos but those who work with it and live to 95 are the lucky exceptions,” he says. “The last thing you want is to be killed by a bloody car!”
What do you think – should the UK government follow suit and ban imports of asbestos-containing vehicles? Tell us in the comments below.
A large number of us believe that undisturbed small amounts of asbestos are not the danger, the danger is if you start to disturb it without taking the proper precautions, then you create a serious risk. Most competent people know in this day and age asbestos can kill but years ago we did not and that was the reason many of us cut asbestos as if it was a piece of wood. Please do not regulate the poor motorist any more or we may lose the will to live anyway.
there are 2 kinds of asbestos; one is rutile and I forget the name of the other. decades ago I was told that one was dangerous and the other benign. in the ’50s popular magazines had ads for asbestos water pipes, citing their cost savings over cast iron pipe for municipal water systems. can anyone comment on this?
Asbestos is hazardous material, whether inhaled in small amount or large amount. So, there should be proper ways to remove asbestos.
Hi I have a 1988 mercedes 500 sec w126 can you please confirm if the underseal on this vehicle has asbestos in it ,it is no a bitumen type but more of a rubber type underseal I removed most of it last year with heat gun and scraper and small pieces and in corners via wire brush on a geinder
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3 Reasons Why We Don’t Commit to and family relationships indicates 43% of black men in the city of New York are incarcerated or have died from illness, Violence or wartime casualties. If you have the, I encourage you research it twice or dust it off. How would you answer that question if I told you that my black friends always dump me? in spite, They have a tough time making decisions. This can all of course make for truly interesting emotional times if you are in a intimate relationship with a Libra man. The corollary to not being exclusive is dating a couple guy at a time. Do you date a man who often goes away? Generally he is a good guy,He ended it because he said we were arguing a lot and not receiving along. We’re losing our souls to little machines and server rooms and the promise of eternal instant satisfaction. every item has to be constantly weighed. If wedding ceremony is on your agenda, make. If you are so inclined, There are steps to increase commitment with your partners. among the many clearest signs of a non committer is a procession of lovely exes. the steps to making Him Commit in 7 Easy Steps not only does this apply sexually, But also to how much time they furnish him. A man might explain how he needs time to decide if you’re right for him, But according to Rori men know very soon no matter whether you’re the One. In stark vary, There are 99 white men for every 100 white women not jailed. Gaining compound will: Increase self-belief A higher confidence will boost assertiveness in all areas of our life. That has nothing to do with how that man will treat you, adhere to you, recognize you, accept you, along with. awesome, What a big list of demands these very pathetic loser women want from us men now. much more, People tend to away from marriages that are primarily punishing, So strive to make your interaction to your partner. below the Mask Jeremy Nicholson please make sure to get the next article, If you are currently giving him everything he wants, to be able to to earn anything more or even change the way things are going? Now we write every day and see each other 2 3 times a month. Do I still have a chance to make him see me various way or should I move on? I was finally asked me out a day ago by the man I thought I lost completely, He said that he wanted me back in his life and that it feels right among so many taken place this month after we both had seperated since july this [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gebVJTCcfJ4]asiaME[/url] year. He want me to met his as well as family he was to met my family as will. So allowed me to ask you, How is a consignment going to benefit your man? He will know that your presence in his life is not in which is guaranteed. Then see how to easily encourage him into pushing more of the right buttons to the point where he can no longer contain himself. Keep reading to see the 15 tips that will make any guy instantly change his mind about being in a committed working relationship with you. How To get him to Commit: 2 Powerful Efficient technique With this method, Git revert is not how to scare girls start the commit message editor. along the lines of, he will call more, He will be which one brings up the commitment conversation, He will want to hang out with you, And he will defend you if anyone says anything negative about you. At 36 she is beginning with a smaller pool. It gives the strong appearance see your face has esteem issues about their race or even self loathing about their race. Another explanation can be obtained from their relationship history. These small tasks may not look like much, But in the future, He will unconsciously feel attached to you because of all of the work that he has put in. the best way a Man to Commit to You to get you started there, Wtf Im doing going over? If you know that you can speak to someone anytime you call them and that they will pretty much go out with you at anytime, At first that is exciting, But after a while it gets old. Build your esteem and create an enjoyable life without him needing to join it. If any girl does such thing then any man will not give a single thought doubting contacting be with you or not. Libra guys would choose view themselves as well balanced or rational. No guy will agree to being in a attachment with a woman who is always sad, needy and starting petty arguments with him. As for how his words and actions cause you to feel and vice versa, That is what heart to heart talks is for it is up to you to talk to him, And for him to show he can listen and be receptive and or viceversa. Instead of winding up trapped in the path of 6% emotional security by provoking each other into jealousy, Insecurity and envy over his dating life and female friends or even more typically his envy over your self confidence and career success use this final proven guideline to predict your long term stability and happiness to 94% accuracy. tips to get a Man to Commit: 4 Dos 4 don’ts inform you that you aren’t holding your life up to wait for him, But do it with motions, Not scourges.. Moseley and I agreed with the above expertise that was wriiten in article. A man without life direction is a man fighting to stay committed. la and orange county santo cruiz, From uk am 26 years old i got married at age 25 i have only one [url=https://hk.linkedin.com/in/asiame-com-dating-4069b0140]aSiAme[/url] child and i was living happily. If the guy loves you the way you love him then he will do anything for your happiness. usually, Libra Man will play an indirect game and easily turn to wasting your time with words if you let him.
What to be able to When Dating Big Beautiful Women Big beautiful women dating commonly refers to dating [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOsE0bVChleIrvwRdL0Awkw]charmdate review[/url] which involves plus size women. These women have big body sizes, And that is why for the different opinions about bbw dating. There are men who would like to try plus size women while are not. but unfortunately, The individuality of a person is what matters. for the, People have different expectations and requirements if you’re thinking of dating. in these times, A good number of individuals are preferring to meet with new people using the websites and social platforms. so, Bbw dating is also available on websites that should cater for dating and interactions in plus size people. BBW dating involves men of the same size or men who will vary body sizes. In this article we will discuss on what undestand when dating big beautiful [url=https://about.me/charmdate]charmdate review[/url] women. BBW women are girls that [url=http://antiscam.chnlovereview.com/on-charmingdate-scam/]charmdate.com[/url] have great self love. These are women who love themselves very much and hence they don have time to date men who don show any fascination with them. Many men don get it wrong if you’re thinking of dating plus size women. The notion is that big ladies attracts no man and hence they will likely fall for a man who comes their way. this is very wrong. thence, It is the time when men should learn that bbw have some value attached to them. hence, They will not fall for any men who comes their way. BBW witnesses that not many men likes plus size women. This happens in particular when a woman has low self esteem. as being a, Big beautiful women will take caution when entering into going for first meet ups with men. It is that’s the reason a plus size woman will not consider all the offers that come their way. They know that men play games when they desire a woman for a just a short time. that is why, For a man who really need to date a big woman, He should prove that he planning on such a woman. BBW women incredibly mature. Maturity comes with the thinking that they know their ambitions. They will clearly state the goals of being in a love affair with a man. this can lead to another character of big beautiful women to as being outspoken. If you are not ready for a long term relationship, A plus size woman will just raise that issues, And males, It time to say what you want. last of all, Big beautiful women are loving and they challenging to date. Loving comes with many different maturity. BBW won’t let down a man who they love to the bits! She will protect her man under all position. but nevertheless, The big woman requires their men to love them back and as well be truth. Where trust is made, There cannot be a belief. BBW are like to have fun. As one, you can be amazed by what your plus woman can do. She will not have any problem going out for a dinner date or a lover dance late at nighttime.
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